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Our Guides

Exciting News And... Maintanance.

Exciting News, a new Server and a view into our plans for the near future!

It is incredibly hard not to keep a smiling face while i'm writing this post. i believe that these are the first time in the last couple month where i can genuinely give you good news! some may have allready noticed that XMR, BTC, ETH & DOGE Withdraws began working roughly 2 days ago. LTC is following Right as i'm writing this post. this is because one of our offerwall finally released your earnings! these earnings are enough to pay off all of the 5 currencies which are active at the moment. so we converted 500$ USD into crypto which shouldlet everyone withdraw their crypto currencies!

Maintenance2 will change servers... again! we pointed this out in the last post, because we were forced to switch servers ASAP. the solution we found back then was very temporary and Dante, the owner of FaucetCrypto Graciously provided us with a share of his dedicated server! (he recently launched his faucet again, check him out and earn one of the many coins he offers!). now that we are able to pay for our own VPS we can finally give him back his server space! the maintenance will hopefully be done within the next 24hours, but the server provider we wish to go with has some paypal issues which have yet to be resolved.

Inactive Account Deletation

these are one of the few news you may start to dislike 2 months from now. will Delete all Accounts which have been inactive for over 60 days. this is because we plan to re-activate most currencies in the following months, in order to get an accurate report on user balances we will Delete inactive accounts and remove them from our Database.

the "last action" timestamp wont be updated on every pageload, but claiming, earning and/or manually withdrawing will update the "last action" timestamp. this will likely increase in 2 months, but for now its about 60 days.

Note: you wont loose your account tomorrow, we will implement this feature during maintenance and set every user's last activity to today. so the earliest possible time where user acounts may be deleted will be in exactly 60 days!

Automatic Payout

i'm quickly adding this section to explain an emergency change i had to add last minute due to the changes in this post by Faucethub: this will most likely anger alot of people, but for now i will have to add a restriction to the automatic payout. this is because Api Limits got drasticly cut (to about 1/4th of the original limit). meaning that even though lots of people were wanting to withdraw their earnings from months ago, the api was returning lots of errors which made it hard for anyone to get their earnings. the restriction is set to level 80, this is only an arbitrary limit for now to make sure everyone can withdraw. i will balance this in the following weeks depending on demand.

Thank you to everyone who trusted us even in these hard times! in our current times scams are incredibly prevelant, we ourselves suffered from an 800$ loss because of them so it was my #1 priority to not go scam. Hopefully Things will go up from here and we will beable to offer Top Services again in the following months!

Posted: 01.01.70
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About us:

Randomsatoshi is a Micro-earning Site offering multiple ways to earn Crpytocurrency! We have a unique new autofaucet! you can upgrade each currency and earn using various way of earning bits, solve shortlinks, do offers, suveys or watch videos to get paid!

any problems? Feedback? want to advertise with us? write me a PM on Faucethub or shoot me a mail at [email protected]!
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