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Our Guides's Future, Payment Provider Poll and more on Version 2!

Faucethub's Closing, Payment Providers, infos on Version 2 are the topic of todays post!

Hello everyone, though the main topic today is not so fun i'm happy to write another post! i think alot of people have seen what is happening in regards to FaucetHub, and its time that you get some update from RS about this, As Faucethub has just announced that its discontinueing its payment services on the 10th of December. As FH Has been our only payment provider for the past year+ this means quite a big change that needs to happen fast.

Where will Move to? Wont close! we'll make sure to continue payments under a new provider!.. but which one should we choose?
the awnser to this is alot more difficult than it at first seems. truth is, Providing Barrier Free Crypto Payments with low fees is quite a challenge. FaucetHub managed to achieve this by having all payments Off-Chain. this made them instant, and had 0 fees to them.
There Are Quite A Few 'Microwallets' that use this technique, but there are a few obvious drawbacks to FaucetHubs potential Successors. UI/UX, Stability, Available Coins and Most important: Trust. these all affect the choice we need to make. another big point to consider is: you. While the Community was Unified on Faucethub, it will likely split onto different Wallets. we would like to respect the wishes of you guys, and take your votes into consideration.

you may have seen a poll pop up in the bottom right corner the past few days, this was a short poll which let you give a few choices on this matter, however the choices were very limited (as seen by the results below)

since the announcement made by FH, a Couple FO buddies have come together and we were able to discuss a few Microwallet Options i'd now like to offer you guys. therefore i've Wiped the Poll Results and made a new Poll with updated options. one thing we will take out of the old pool is Coinbase. as we've decided to Offer Payments Via Coinbase Email Starting Next month.
we understand that Coinbase is not a Valid Option for everyone, so we advise you to vote on one of the barrier-free options in the new poll! we'd like to include Both Coinbase and one of the other Winning Microwallets/Alternatives, so make sure to vote your choice!

Version 2: a New Generation

To Brighten up this post i would like to talk abit more about upcomming features of Version 2, the first thing i'm happy to announce is that Version 2 is now out of the Drafting stage, meaning that Development has started and the New Site Will be a Huge StepUp! Arguably the Biggest Thing That will change is the claiming Process! While i wont Spoil any Exact Mechanics, i Will mention that We've Moved The Focus Away From upgrading each Currency (which will still be possible) to upgrading a different Component. This 'Component' Saved us from a bunch of Troubles we experience in the old Version aswell as make it possible to work with NEW features. One Important Point that his Component enables is the ability to Add and Remove Currencies to without wiping User Process!
we've also made a Robust Statistics System that will show you your progress on Daily/Monthly basis! you'll beable to track XP, Bits, Payouts and Other Activities! This Statistics System may allow Us to do Leaderboards and other Amazing Things in the future!

as a last thing we'd like to mention this: we've made the whole Experience alot more progressive. Levelups, Unlocking new Things and Achieving Great Things Will now be Recognized by our Site and give you Feedback for your Efforts! (A Pat on the back will make the Achievement that one bit better!), To Test All these Features we'll want you guys to try them out and let us know what you think! so for those who'd like to get a Sneak Peak soon, feel free to write us a mail (pref with your username included) and we may pick you to give us some early feedback on the new site (Development may still take a while, but We'll definitely be in contact once we're Ready to have you test it)

Posted: 01.01.70
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About us:

Randomsatoshi is a Micro-earning Site offering multiple ways to earn Crpytocurrency! We have a unique new autofaucet! you can upgrade each currency and earn using various way of earning bits, solve shortlinks, do offers, suveys or watch videos to get paid!

any problems? Feedback? want to advertise with us? write me a PM on Faucethub or shoot me a mail at [email protected]!
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